(Time Management attempters beware: This is not an especially helpful post.) :)
So have you heard that there are so many (it's questionable how many) more words in Inuit for snow than in English? Or that in Ireland, they've got a reputed 45 shades of green?
Well, in the English language...
Idler, bludger (yes it's more than just a quiddle ball from Harry Potter...), wastrel, dawdler, a loaf or loafer, a lag or laggard, a trifler, procrastinator, slowpoke, dallier, goof-off, fiddler, slug or sluggard, ne'er-do-well, faineant, good-for-nothing or good-for-naught, goldbrick, ragabrash, layabout, nonstarter, slouch, slacker, etc etc etc....
My favorites were:
Dringle: Somebody who likes to waste time.
Quiddler: One who wastes his energy about trifles. (That's me!)
Boondoggler: A person who spends time on an unnecessary or wasteful project or activity.
Zombie (really!): Not only is it a revived corpse, but someone 'who looks or behaves like an automaton'. (Oh, it's also a tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. Unambitious and tasty!)
Also (since I was already on this tangent), did you know that the longest non-medical word in the English language is FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION? It means means "the act of estimating as worthless". (Such as, I found this post floccinaucinihilipilificatious. Floccinaucinihilipilificate. Um, ...floccinaucinahilipilificating? Oh, you know what I mean...)
~~ or 'Living in Denial'
There are people in this world who are organized. They always leave for work on time, never forget to buy cat food, and always say "Happy Birthday!" because they remembered that it is in fact your birthday. These are people with perpetually clean underwear, small electronic gizmos that store their appointment times, and extra bundt cake pans to loan out to neighbors. They have clean cars, clean houses, clean shoes, and clean refrigerators. And they always look well-rested.
I am not one of these people.
With this blog I am hoping to explore some ways of improving time management for normal, disorganized individuals (like me!), and especially for harried college students. With all the technology, research, psychology and social support around us, this shouldn't be impossible.
But then again...there is another side to time management; the delectible art of wasting time. And I would be completely remiss if I didn't explore that just a little bit, wouldn't I?
I am not one of these people.
With this blog I am hoping to explore some ways of improving time management for normal, disorganized individuals (like me!), and especially for harried college students. With all the technology, research, psychology and social support around us, this shouldn't be impossible.
But then again...there is another side to time management; the delectible art of wasting time. And I would be completely remiss if I didn't explore that just a little bit, wouldn't I?
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