~~ or 'Living in Denial'

There are people in this world who are organized. They always leave for work on time, never forget to buy cat food, and always say "Happy Birthday!" because they remembered that it is in fact your birthday. These are people with perpetually clean underwear, small electronic gizmos that store their appointment times, and extra bundt cake pans to loan out to neighbors. They have clean cars, clean houses, clean shoes, and clean refrigerators. And they always look well-rested.

I am not one of these people.

With this blog I am hoping to explore some ways of improving time management for normal, disorganized individuals (like me!), and especially for harried college students. With all the technology, research, psychology and social support around us, this shouldn't be impossible.


But then again...there is another side to time management; the delectible art of wasting time. And I would be completely remiss if I didn't explore that just a little bit, wouldn't I?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some Really Helpful Places

Okay. So I mentioned how I've been browsing the web looking for advice, right? Well here are some great places to look for help if you're 'Time-Management-Challenged' like me:
(I also started a running list of helpful links at the bottom of this site.)

And if you've read this far into my blog and aren't sure you're as desperately pathetic as me (when it comes to managing your time), here's a way to find out: Take a Time Management Quiz!

Actually, you can get some good hints and tips about what you 'shouldn't' be doing by doing these quizzes. ~~Or you can realize that during the time it took to hunt down these quizzes and take them, you could have been accomplishing something of a higher priority on your To-Do list.

Um, I think a light just went on in that dusty brain of mine. Oh, well, while I'm wasting time, at least I've been finding really interesting quizzes online - of all kinds - including this fun little one: The Time-Waster's Quiz. Just enter your first name and then ask yourself...
    Your tomato plant begins to grow teeth and claw-like appendages.One day, you notice it chasing the dog around the house. What do you do?


  1. Your blog can prove to be very valuable for college students. I'm not usually bad with time management but I'm not always good either. How bad do you get stressed out over your time management skills? I know that if I don't do my homework on the day I get it, I become overly anxious and can barely concentrate on anything else but what I have to get done. It's a bit annoying actually but it helps! Great blog though, keep it up!

  2. Thank you! I actually get incredibly stressed out, but I'm not sure it is as beneficial to my concentration as it is to yours. I think I get so overwhelmed that I freeze up and can't even get started. It's probably a bit like a deer in headlights. Not good. Anyway, good luck to you!
