~~ or 'Living in Denial'

There are people in this world who are organized. They always leave for work on time, never forget to buy cat food, and always say "Happy Birthday!" because they remembered that it is in fact your birthday. These are people with perpetually clean underwear, small electronic gizmos that store their appointment times, and extra bundt cake pans to loan out to neighbors. They have clean cars, clean houses, clean shoes, and clean refrigerators. And they always look well-rested.

I am not one of these people.

With this blog I am hoping to explore some ways of improving time management for normal, disorganized individuals (like me!), and especially for harried college students. With all the technology, research, psychology and social support around us, this shouldn't be impossible.


But then again...there is another side to time management; the delectible art of wasting time. And I would be completely remiss if I didn't explore that just a little bit, wouldn't I?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lazy Saturdays...

Before school started, my typical Saturday was to wake up at noon, maybe shower (or not…) at 9 pm after a full day of video-gaming in my PJ’s (only pausing to refill my bowl of Lucky Charms), rush to the grocery store to get potatoes (because I forgot that my ‘potluck’ assignment was mashed potatoes the next day), rush back to the store (because, oh yeah, I had no more milk to mix in the mashed potatoes - I used it all on my Lucky Charms), then sit back down to play more video games until midnight, when I have to rush back out to the grocery store (because I forgot to put the milk in the fridge and it’s the temperature of my dead houseplant that I accidentally set down next to my heating vent). Yeah.

So my goals for this semester:

  1. Find some way of being on time.
  2. Never forget an assignment until 10 minutes before it's due.
  3. Use grocery lists.
  4. Stop killing my plants.
  5. Achieve a zen-like state of mind because I'm so super organized and acing all my classes.
  6. Find out how I can do all this and still spend eight hours a day playing StarCraft 2.  I mean, it just came out.  And I've been really good so far this semester.  So it's only been a week.  Don't I deserve a little down time?

Right.  This may take some work.