~~ or 'Living in Denial'

There are people in this world who are organized. They always leave for work on time, never forget to buy cat food, and always say "Happy Birthday!" because they remembered that it is in fact your birthday. These are people with perpetually clean underwear, small electronic gizmos that store their appointment times, and extra bundt cake pans to loan out to neighbors. They have clean cars, clean houses, clean shoes, and clean refrigerators. And they always look well-rested.

I am not one of these people.

With this blog I am hoping to explore some ways of improving time management for normal, disorganized individuals (like me!), and especially for harried college students. With all the technology, research, psychology and social support around us, this shouldn't be impossible.


But then again...there is another side to time management; the delectible art of wasting time. And I would be completely remiss if I didn't explore that just a little bit, wouldn't I?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Here's a guy who's figured it out...

K if you've got some free time and want to know how the masters do time management...check this out.

It's a NOVA special on Karl Iagnemma, a full-time MIT roboticist who is also an acclaimed fiction writer. Click here to watch or read the transcript:

Profile: Karl Iagnemma - PBS Airdate: October 3, 2006

This guy has time-management down to an art form.

My favorite part of the interview is at the end when his friend is describing how he'd describe himself if he were Karl:
    STEVE ALMOND: If it were me, if I was doing this stuff, I would be like, "Dude, I've got a robot going to Mars. What did you do yesterday? And that was before lunch. Then I wrote a great short story in the afternoon. Then I hung out with my beautiful Swedish wife. What'd you do?"

What did I do before lunch today? Hm. Well... I threw out that container in the back of the fridge that was growing fuzz. Does that count? Then I showered. I think that was it. Yeah.

Well, it is fall break - it took an effort, people.

Okay, okay, back to work...


  1. managing my own time is something that I need to work on personally. I have to admit that I have gottent better. If there is one thing I have learned it is best to work on an assignment as soon as you receive it rather then wait until the last minute to do it. Life seems less stressfull when I do this.

  2. Time management is something I definitely need to take advantage of. I am a very efficient person but one thing that I know that I lack is that I start slacking after I feel I have become "productive" enough. But you can never become too productive. I need to think about getting things done throughout the day in order to make my day that much more productive. This is something I will definitely take a look at. Thanks!
